
Is it healthy to exercise a muscle when it's still sore?


In general, training while sore is perfectly fine and usually beneficial, subject to a few caveats discussed below. Almost every serious athlete frequently trains while still a bit sore from the previous workout.



you are correct no stretching is going to solve or prevent DOMS due to the definition of DOMS and I never said that. My statement was stretching can help stiffness and soreness and it does. I dont have a problem with DOMS because I'm careful and follow rules such as 'stagered workouts' and proper recovery times. Article abount DOMS:



I would say it isn't a good idea to do heavy training consecutively on the same muscle group.

sometimes when you're starting out a new exercise like a cardio routine your muscles can get sore because they're not used to being worked. In that case I would say that it would be just fine (with moderation).

Either way you need to let your muscles recover properly and it's a good idea to change up your routine day-to-day or to have a staggered schedule.

In any case, overworking can hurt your results.



The second thing to understand is that soreness has nothing to do with the effectiveness of your workout. It's more of a side effect, which is actually not well understood. Depending on your training level and workouts, you may still be sore even when your muscles are in the supercompensation period. If this happens, you just need to put up with it and train sufficiently hard to keep the gains coming.

BTW, this is also a reason why split routines - where you train each muscle once a week - are very inefficient for the vast majority of beginner & intermediate lifters. Your muscles hit the supercompensation period in far less than a week and have started to return to normal by the time you train again. In this respect, fully body routines 2-3 times per week are going to produce strength gains much faster.

Biceps workout without supplement pain more than 4 days: Do i need whey?


I saw an expert in Youtube said that muscle recovery took 3 days (roughly 72 hours) but it not same with my case.

I'm not bodybuilding and not using any kind of supplement. I'm doing more for strength and health but don't mind if my muscle size get bigger.

My other muscle (chest, triceps, etc) pain not last so long like my biceps.

Usually once in 5 weeks I'm doing biceps workout using dumbell.

The other weeks I'm not lifting. My life involving a lot of manual works like cutting trees manually and I'm avoid doing heavy workout during the other weeks.

I'm doing multiple sets. Start from second set onwards, I lift until I cannot lift. Then I continue next sets over and over until the last I can only barely lift once or twice reps.

The second & third day is really painful and I cannot put my hand straight. Forth & fifth day I still can feel pain on biceps.

I need to know if I consume whey, how it can help? Do I need to consume whey the next day while it recover even I'm not doing heavy workout?

Answer 10


Some studies have shown that protein supplements can provide some modest relief from Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness (DOMS) while other studies show no such effect.

It may be something worth your investigation to see how well you respond to it.



You are having DOMS (Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness). The only real way to mitigate it is to train more often.

Taking whey (and other protein supplements) is useful when you can't eat enough to have as much protein you want1, in regard to your goal. If your goal is to grow bigger or to have more strength, you should train more and think of a diet to try to eat roughly 2g of protein per kilogram and supplement you if you can't.

Define your goal, then establish a workout routine (frequency and intensity) and a nutrition program, and use whey (and other supplements) if needed to follow your diet.

1 There is other usecases to protein supplements (casein before sleep to prevent catabolism...) but not relevant here.